kubectl plugin - SOCKS5 proxy to Services or Pods in the cluster

I’ve published a new kubectl plugin called kubectl-plugin-socks5-proxy. This is a kubectl plugin that creates a local SOCKS5 proxy through which you can access to Services or Pods in a Kubernetes cluster. What the plugin actually does is that it create a SOCKS proxy server Pod in a Kubernetes cluster and forwards a local port (default:1080) to the proxy. So you can access to Servcies or Pods in Kuberenetes cluster by using the local port as SOCKS5 proxy like this:...

<span title='2021-02-08 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>February 8, 2021</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;3 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Yoichi Kawasaki

GitHub Actions - Kubernetes tools installer

I’ve published a new GitHub Action called action-setup-kube-tools (View on Marketplace). The action installs Kubernetes tools (kubectl, kustomize, helm, kubeval, conftest, and yq) and cache them on the runner. This is a typescript version of stefanprodan/kube-tools with no command input param. Usage Inputs Parameter Required Default Value Description kubectl false 1.18.2 kubectl version. kubectl vesion can be found here kustomize false 3.5.5 kustomize version. kustomize vesion can be found here helm false 2....

<span title='2020-07-05 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>July 5, 2020</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;2 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Yoichi Kawasaki