embulk plugins for Microsoft Azure Services

Here is a list of embulk plugins that you can leverage to transfer your data between Microsoft Azure Services and various other databases/storages/cloud services. Plugin Name Target Azure Services Note embulk-output-azure_blob_storage Blob Storage Embulk output plugin that stores files onto Microsoft Azure Blob Storage embulk-input-azure_blob_storage Blob Storage Embulk input plugin that reads files stored on Microsoft Azure Blob Storage embulk-output-sqlserver SQL Databases, SQL DWH Embulk output plugin that Inserts or updates records to SQL server type of services like SQL DB/SQL DWH embulk-input-sqlserver SQL Databases, SQL DWH Embulk input plugin that selects records from SQL type of services like SQL DB/SQL DWH embulk-output-documentdb Comos DB Embulk output plugin that dumps records to Azure Cosmos DB embulk-output-azuresearch Azure Search Embulk output plugin that dumps records to Azure Search (as of Aug 30, 2016)...

<span title='2016-09-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 1, 2016</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Yoichi Kawasaki