This is an article on how you can SSH into Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster node VMs using kubectl-plugin-ssh-jump.


I wanted to SSH into Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster node VMs, then looking up azure docs I found a relevant page - Connect with SSH to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster nodes for maintenance or troubleshooting. But when I first saw this procedure, I thought this was very troublesome. Lazy person like me couldn’t accept going thourgh all the steps just to SSH into AKS cluster nodes VMs. This is why I decided to create kubectl-plugin-ssh-jump, a kubectl plugin to SSH into Kubernetes nodes using a SSH jump host Pod.

AKS node access control and SSH access strategy

By default, AKS nodes are not exposed to the internet, and they are completely isolated to their own virtual network. This is why I took a strategy to go through a jump host Pod to connect to the Kubernetes nodes. I believe this is pretty a general strategy in dealing with firewalling, access privileges, etc.

Regarding SSH key with which you access the nodes via SSH, you need to use the SSH key that you chosen in creating your AKS cluster. Or in the case that you lose the key, you can update SSH Key by using az command like this (See this for more detail):

az vm user update \
  --resource-group myResourceGroup \
  --name myVM \
  --username azureuser \
  --ssh-key-value ~/.ssh/

As an additional security enhancement, you can configure Access Control(IAM) on the AKS cluster to set permissions on the nodes on who can access them. Please see What is role-based access control (RBAC)? for the detail on RBAC.

SSH into AKS node VMs using kubectl-plugin-ssh-jump


This plugin needs the following programs:

  • ssh(1)
  • ssh-agent(1)


Install through krew

This is a way to install kubectl-ssh-jump through krew. After installing krew by following this, you can install kubectl-ssh-jump like this:

$ kubectl krew install ssh-jump

Expected output would be like this:

Updated the local copy of plugin index.
Installing plugin: ssh-jump
 |  This plugin needs the following programs:
 |  * ssh(1)
 |  * ssh-agent(1)
 |  Please follow the documentation:
Installed plugin: ssh-jump

Once it’s installed, run:

$ kubectl plugin list

The following kubectl-compatible plugins are available:


$ kubectl ssh-jump

Manual Installation

Install the plugin by copying the script in the $PATH of your shell.

# Get source
$ git clone
$ cd kubectl-plugin-ssh-jump
$ chmod +x kubectl-ssh-jump
# Add kubeclt-ssh-jump to the install path.
$ sudo cp -p kubectl-ssh-jump /usr/local/bin

Once in the $PATH, run:

$ kubectl plugin list

The following kubectl-compatible plugins are available:

$ kubectl ssh-jump

How to use


  kubectl ssh-jump <dest_node> [options]

  <dest_node>                     Destination node IP
  -u, --user <sshuser>            SSH User name
  -i, --identity <identity_file>  Identity key file
  -p, --pubkey <pub_key_file>     Public key file
  --skip-agent                    Skip automatically starting SSH agent and adding
                                  SSH Identity key into the agent before SSH login
                                  (=> You need to manage SSH agent by yourself)
  --cleanup-agent                 Clearning up SSH agent at the end
                                  The agent is NOT cleaned up in case that 
                                  --skip-agent option is given
  --cleanup-jump                  Clearning up sshjump pod at the end
                                  Default: Skip cleaning up sshjump pod
  -h, --help                      Show this message
Option parameters Cache

username, identity, pubkey options are cached, therefore you can omit these options afterward. The options are stored in a file named $HOME/.kube/kubectlssh/options

$ cat $HOME/.kube/kubectlssh/options
SSH Agent (ssh-agent)

The plugin automatically check if there are any ssh-agents started running by the plugin, and starts ssh-agentif it doesn’t find any ssh-agent running and adds SSH Identity key into the agent before SSH login. If the command find that ssh-agent is already running, it doesn’t start a new agent, and re-use the agent. Add --cleanup-agent option if you want to kill the created agent at the end of command.

In addtion, add --skip-agent option if you want to skip automatic starting ssh-agent. This is actually a case where you already have ssh-agent managed or you want to manually start the agent.


Show all node list. Simply executing kubectl ssh-jump gives you the list of destination nodes as well as command usage

$ kubectl ssh-jump

  kubectl ssh-jump <dest_node> [options]

  <dest_node>                     Destination node IP
  -u, --user <sshuser>            SSH User name
  -i, --identity <identity_file>  Identity key file
  -p, --pubkey <pub_key_file>     Public key file
  --skip-agent                    Skip automatically starting SSH agent and adding
                                  SSH Identity key into the agent before SSH login
                                  (=> You need to manage SSH agent by yourself)
  --cleanup-agent                 Clearning up SSH agent at the end
                                  The agent is NOT cleaned up in case that
                                  --skip-agent option is given
  --cleanup-jump                  Clearning up sshjump pod at the end
                                  Default: Skip cleaning up sshjump pod
  -h, --help                      Show this message


List of destination node...

Then, SSH into a node aks-nodepool1-18558189-0 with options like:

  • usernaem: azureuser
  • identity:~/.ssh/id_rsa_k8s
  • pubkey:~/.ssh/
$ kubectl ssh-jump aks-nodepool1-18558189-0 \
  -u azureuser -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_k8s -p ~/.ssh/

As explained in usage secion, username, identity, pubkey options are cached, therefore you can omit these options afterward.

$ kubectl ssh-jump aks-nodepool1-18558189-0

You can pass the commands to run in the destination node like this (Suppose that username, identity, pubkey options are cached):

echo "uname -a" | kubectl ssh-jump aks-nodepool1-18558189-0

Linux aks-nodepool1-18558189-0 4.15.0-1035-azure #36~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 30 15:25:49 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

You can clean up sshjump pod at the end of the command with --cleanup-jump option, otherwise, the sshjump pod stay running by default.

$ kubectl ssh-jump aks-nodepool1-18558189-0 \
  -u azureuser -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_k8s -p ~/.ssh/ \

You can clean up ssh-agent at the end of the command with --cleanup-agent option, otherwise, the ssh-agent process stay running once it’s started.

$ kubectl ssh-jump aks-nodepool1-18558189-0 \
  -u azureuser -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_k8s -p ~/.ssh/ \

You can skip starting ssh-agent by giving --skip-agent. This is actually a case where you already have ssh-agent managed. Or you can start new ssh-agent and add an identity key to the ssh-agent like this:

# Start ssh-agent manually
$ eval `ssh-agent`
# Add an arbitrary private key, give the path of the key file as an argument to ssh-add
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_k8s
# Then, run the plugin with --skip-agent
$ kubectl ssh-jump aks-nodepool1-18558189-0 \
  -u azureuser -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_k8s -p ~/.ssh/ \

# At the end, run this if you want to kill the current agent
$ ssh-agent -k