Here is a list of fluentd plugins for Microsoft Azure Services.

Plugin NameTarget Azure ServicesNote
fluent-plugin-azurestorageBlob StorageAzure Storate output plugin buffers logs in local file and upload them to Azure Storage periodicall
fluent-plugin-azureeventhubsEvent HubsAzure Event Hubs buffered output plugin for Fluentd. Currently it supports only HTTPS (not AMQP)
fluent-plugin-azuretablesAzure TablesFluent plugin to add event record into Azure Tables Storage
fluent-plugin-azuresearchAzure SearchFluent plugin to add event record into Azure Search
fluent-plugin-documentdbCosmos DBFluent plugin to add event record into Azure Cosmos DB
fluent-plugin-azurefunctionsAzure FunctionsAzure Functions (HTTP Trigger) output plugin for Fluentd. The plugin aggregates semi-structured data in real-time and writes the buffered data via HTTPS request to HTTP Trigger Function
fluent-plugin-azure-loganalyticsLog AnalyticsAzure Log Analytics output plugin for Fluentd. The plugin aggregates semi-structured data in real-time and writes the buffered data via HTTPS request to Azure Log Analytics

(as of Nov 23, 2016)
